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Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyers
When a licensed medical professional faces charges of drug or alcohol related crimes, a secure legal defense is often necessary in order to defend the legitimacy of that professional’s right to hold a license to practice. Depending on the professional facing a charge and the type of charge that they are facing, the support of other professionals may be needed to protect their license. These experts can include:
- Medical Doctors, including Addiction Specialists & Psychiatrists
- Psychologists and Therapists
- Chemists & Drug Testing Experts
- Computer & I.T. Forensic Specialists
- Accountants
- Professional Investigators
Having these experts on the side of a person facing criminal charges can help guard against the potentially severe penalties that this person could face with conviction. Not only is the person possibly facing ramifications of an arrest and an indictment, but the loss of a license can threaten everything that he or she has worked so hard to achieve throughout the years. However, having a legal defense can potentially help prevent such a loss by preventing a criminal conviction.
Criminal Law and Licensure
Accusations of drug or alcohol related crimes against a licensed medical professional can create serious legal problems. These charges can involve arrest, indictment, trial conviction, plea agreement, or jail time, as well as a loss of license for the medical professional if he or she is convicted.
In a lot of cases, even when the results of an investigation are pending, a medical professional accused of misconduct will have to face the suspension or temporary revocation of his or her license, and he or she will be unable to practice. The critical point, however, is that while this loss is difficult, you do not want it to become permanent, and a solid defense in your favor can help with this.
There are exceptions to revocations, of course, though they are rare. If, for example, a licensed medical professional establishes that it is in society’s best interest, in addition to also being in his or her best interest, that the license be kept, then an administrative agency may allow revocation to be suspended, at least until an investigation into criminal charges is complete. While the investigation continues, having legal assistance and advice on your side can be a way to better understand the potential ramifications of a plea agreement or criminal charge, and how these can later affect any license renewal or application.
The penalties associated with criminal convictions can be severe due to the guidelines set out by the Health and Safety Code. Some of the more common crimes licensed medical professionals are accused of include drug offenses, such as fraud, in association with illegally obtaining and/or distributing prescription medications. Other crimes might involve DWI, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Family Violence Assault, or Drug Diversion, which can also dramatically affect a medical professional’s license. The worst thing a licensed medical professional can do is ignore the accusations and think that nothing will come of them. In too many cases, this is where problems arise legally, whereas consultation with a legal representative can help ensure the problem is addressed as soon as possible.
Representative Criminal Matters
There are many ways that a licensed medical professional may face the threat of losing his or her license to practice, as there are many different accusations of criminal misconduct that he or she may face. However, with an experienced and understanding legal team on your side, you can more confidently face charges or cases involving issues such as the following:
- Healthcare Fraud
- Medicare / Medicaid / Federal Healthcare Reimbursement
- Insurance Fraud
- Theft and Embezzlement
- Drug Diversion
- Drug Possession, Manufacturing, and Delivery
- Obtaining a Controlled Substance by Fraud and Deceit
- Driving While Intoxicated
- Intoxication Manslaughter
Facing charges associated with the above can be daunting, but you do not have to face these charges all on your own. In fact, you can put the burden largely on the shoulders of your legal team.
Contact Us
If you or someone you know is facing the loss of a medical license to practice because of charges of criminal misconduct, then you should look into enlisting the services of an experienced legal representative. The legal team at Leichter Law Firm has both criminal experience and experience dealing with licensure issues, making them particularly well qualified to handle these types of cases. Contact us online or call 512-495-9995 to discuss creating your defense against criminal charges and protecting your license.
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Office Locations
1602 E 7th St
Austin, TX 78702
Phone: (512) 495-9995
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3700 N Main St
Houston, TX 77009
Phone: (713) 714-2446
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214 N 16th St #128
McAllen, TX 78501
Phone: (956) 205-0884
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