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San Antonio Criminal Defense Lawyers
There are a number of factors that can affect a professional’s licensure, including behaviors such as handling drugs or alcohol while on the job, or having such substances affect one’s job performance. The knowledgeable attorneys of the Leichter Law Firm are well aware of the legal ramifications of these accusations, and we are fully prepared to put our criminal law experience to work for you.
In addition to Mr. Leichter’s experience as a former criminal prosecutor who has both prosecuted and defended those accused of alcohol- and drug-related crimes, we work with the following professionals to strengthen our clients’ criminal defense strategies:
- Medical doctors
- Addiction specialists
- Psychiatrists
- Psychologists
- Therapists
- Chemists and drug testing experts
- Computer and I.T. forensic specialists
- Accountants
- Professional investigators
Besides the serious legal consequences associated with a drug or alcohol conviction, professionals accused of these crimes may even lose their licenses to work or practice. This loss of livelihood could result in devastating financial repercussions as well. Fortunately, the tenacious legal team at the Leichter Law Firm is dedicated to all aspects of license protection, including after professional misconduct cases such as those involving accusations of criminal behavior. Professionals in San Antonio can trust the Leichter Law Firm to provide them with the strong criminal defense they need to protect their licenses and move on with their lives.
Criminal Law and Licensure
When an individual is accused of criminal misconduct, he or she could be facing the loss of professional licensure in addition to the legal penalties assigned by the courts. A professional board or administrative agency’s decision to revoke, suspend, or eliminate a person’s license depends largely on the results of that person’s arrest, indictment, probation, plea bargain, trial, jail time, and final conviction. If convicted, a professional is likely to lose his or her licensure or face a temporarily suspended license.
Because a professional’s future and livelihood can depend so heavily on the court’s decision regarding his or her criminal accusations, it is important to enlist the help of a skilled criminal defense team that is prepared to not only handle the criminal aspects of the case but also the ramifications it can have on the individual’s professional license. However, professional boards and administrative agencies may have mandatory license suspension periods or revocations depending on a person’s criminal conviction.
For certain professional organizations, one of the best ways to protect one’s professional licensure despite conviction is to prove that it is “in the best interest of society” for one to remain licensed and eligible to practice. In these situations, a knowledgeable attorney can be imperative to your case as he or she can help explain the ways in which a criminal conviction could affect your future as well as help you develop a strategy for defending your right to hold your license.
If a person is charged with drug-related crimes or violations of the Health and Safety Code, he or she faces stiff administrative as well as civil penalties if convicted. Additionally, these types of crimes are often linked to fraud such as illegally obtaining or possessing prescription medications, which can also result in the loss of license for a professional. Due to the severity of these charges, it is key to enlist the help of a well-prepared lawyer as soon as possible to begin building your criminal defense strategy.
In situations involving DWI, possession of a controlled substance, family violence assault, fraud allegations, drug diversion, or any other criminal behavior, it’s a mistake to think that law enforcement officials will not pursue your case. This is a common error among professionals, who, thinking that they will not be accused of misconduct, end up facing legal consequences that they are not adequately prepared to handle. Instead, one should be proactive and consult with a legal representative so that you waste little time preparing a defense.
Representative Criminal Matters
In addition to the criminal charges discussed above, the determined legal team of the Leichter Law Firm is ready to help professionals facing the following criminal matters:
- Healthcare Fraud
- Medicare / Medicaid / Federal Healthcare Reimbursement
- Insurance Fraud
- Theft and Embezzlement
- Drug Diversion
- Drug Possession, Manufacturing, and Delivery
- Obtaining a Controlled Substance by Fraud and Deceit
- Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)
- Intoxication Manslaughter
These criminal behaviors could not only lead to legal repercussions but also cause a professional to lose his or her license.
Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney in San Antonio
If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges and has been accused of professional misconduct, do not leave your licensure to chance. The attorneys of the Leichter Law Firm can help you mount a proper legal defense and protect your professional license, so contact our offices online today or call 512-495-9995 to discuss your situation and learn more about your legal options.
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Office Locations
1602 E 7th St
Austin, TX 78702
Phone: (512) 495-9995
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3700 N Main St
Houston, TX 77009
Phone: (713) 714-2446
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214 N 16th St #128
McAllen, TX 78501
Phone: (956) 205-0884
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