Chemical Dependency and License Defense

At the Leichter Law Firm, we understand how stressful it can be to face a professional license investigation. The possible disciplinary actions that could be taken against you vary widely, from small fines and probation to complete revocation of your professional license. A board investigation or peer review can be especially troubling when it involves the question of chemical dependency and a professional’s ability to responsibly continue his or her practice.

Even if the evidence against you is inconclusive, you could find yourself at the center of an investigation that could tarnish your professional reputation and the future of your practice. It may therefore be important to seek legal representation as soon as possible to assist with your defense. To learn how our Texas chemical dependency license defense attorneys can help you with your chemical dependency inquiry, contact the Leichter Law Firm today by calling 512-495-9995.

Chemical Dependency Investigation Defense

If you are a licensed professional and your licensure has been called into question because of chemical dependency allegations, our Texas license defense lawyers are prepared to defend your case. Allowing such charges to go uncontested could have a lasting impact on your livelihood, so it is crucial to seek legal counsel from a license defense firm that you can trust.

At the Leichter Law Firm, we may be able to develop a strong defense on your behalf. We can help:

  • Clarify the charges against you
  • Discuss your options moving forward
  • Prepare your defense
  • Represent you in hearings

Hiring a knowledgeable license defense lawyer can also help to lessen the burden of your chemical dependency inquiry. Once you retain a lawyer, the board conducting your investigation will no longer be allowed to contact you directly. All communications concerning your case will be redirected to our experienced legal team so that you are protected from aggressive questioning and self-incrimination. Our Texas medical license attorneys are dedicated to fielding all aspects of your chemical dependency investigation so that your legal rights remain protected.

Personalized License Defense

Our lawyers understand that the circumstances of each license investigation are unique and we are committed to providing you with the personalized legal counsel that you need. Whether you have been falsely accused of substance abuse or are struggling with chemical dependency issues, we are prepared to tailor your defense to best suit the conditions of your case. Even if there is conclusive evidence of substance abuse, having the backing of a professional license lawyer increases the legitimacy of your defense and can greatly improve the chances of receiving a reduced penalty.

Contact Us

When your license and professional reputation are at risk, don’t enter your chemical dependency investigation alone. Our Texas chemical dependency license defense attorneys are prepared to assist you with all legal aspects of your inquiry to preserve your standing as a licensed professional. For a confidential case evaluation and consultation, contact the Leichter Law Firm today at 512-495-9995.

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Office Locations

Austin Office

1602 E 7th St
Austin, TX 78702
Phone: (512) 495-9995
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Houston Office

3700 N Main St
Houston, TX 77009
Phone: (713) 714-2446
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McAllen Office

214 N 16th St #128
McAllen, TX 78501
Phone: (956) 205-0884
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